KASU: Mid Semester Break and Second Semester Add and Drop for 2019/2020 Session

Kaduna State University
Directorate of Academic Planing

FROM: Deputy Director, Programme Planning Unit
TO: All Deans and Heads of Departments
DATE: 27/7/2020

SUBJECT: Mid Semester Break and Second Semester Add and Drop

 1.  Inline with the  academic calender for full-time undergraduate students 2019/2020 session, mid semester holds this week from 27-31 July, 2020. All academic staff are to know and ensure the week is  lecture-free.

 2.  Recal tha Add & Drop was to hold the week of  20-24 July. This was not possible due to some technical chalenges at the ICT Unit. The issue has now been resolved and the university will open portal for Add & Drop from 27 July - 7 August 2020. Students are to use the oppurtunity to register and deregister courses. You are kindly advise to bring this to their notice and ensure they utilise the oppurtunity.

 Thank you!

Dr. J. T. Hassan

Vice Chancellor
All provosts,Directors,Heads of units

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tsoffin labarai Sabbin Labarai