I decide to make the post to enlight many new student of NUBA POLY who are facing difficulty in generating Acceptance fee Invoice.
Firstly the newly admited student for all programmes are to take note that before you generate Acceptance fee invoice , you need to be screened and cleared by the Head of Department of your various department because he is the officer incharge to verify and open the link after a successfull screening.
After you are through with the screening.
Visit the school portal " WWW. NUBAPOLY .NET " click on the menu bar of the portal and locate "CHECK ADMISSION STATUS" click on it and allow it to process.
A page will be display for you to insert you Application no or JAMB no .
Insert the appropriate no and click on check.
A congratulation message will be display for you, bellow it you will see two links:
1. Print Admission Notification
2. Acceptance fee payment
It will display an information containing your name, reg no e.tc
Bellow you will see an option for payment either you pay online or any comercial bank.
Sellect the desirable option and proceed to print an Interswitch payment ID, Which you will use in making payment.
Note:- if it display a message " oops academic screening is pending"
Your clearance by the H.O.D, is not yet aproved.
Return to him/her for complain after waiting for an hour.