Kaduna Polytecnic Secures Approval for the Renovation of Hostels

All students 
Kaduna State Polytecnic,

With joy in our heart 's the Deanary of Kaduna State Polytecnic wish to share the good news of the above subject matter where the Polytecnic would be the first Fedral Polytecnic to go into public private partnership for the  renovation of hostels.
To that effect, worthy of notification  as a matter of urgency is that the renovation start immediately and we urge students
Who are within the State or closeby  to  please come and get theirs belongings out of the rooms as two weeks ultimatum  had  been given  with effect from today.

On a final note i urge you all to be prayerful for us to overcome  this test of faith.
Stay safe.

Malam Farouq N Musa
Deen students affair's
10 -july -2020

tsoffin labarai Sabbin Labarai