Faculty of Education
1. B. Sc. (Ed) Biology
2. B. Sc. (Ed) Physics
3. B. Sc. (Ed) Chemistry
4. B. Sc. (Ed) Mathematics
5. B. Sc. (Ed) Geography
6. B. Sc. (Ed) Economics
7. B. A. (Ed) English
8. B. A. (Ed) History
9. B. A. (Ed) Hausa
10. B. A. (Ed) Arabic
11. B. A. (Ed) Islamic Studies
12. Bachelor of Library and Information Science(BLIS)
Faculty of Humanities
1. B. A. Arabic
2. B. A. English
3. B. A. French
4. B. A. History
5. B. A. Islamic Studies
6. B. A. Hausa
Faculty of Law
1. LLB (Islamic Law)
2. LLB (Public and Private)
Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences
1. B. Sc. Biochemistry
2. B. Sc. Biology
3. B. Sc. Chemistry
4. B. Sc. Computer Science
5. B. Sc. Geography
6. B. Sc. Industrial Chemistry
7. B. Sc. Mathematics
8. B. Sc. Microbiology
9. B. Sc. Physics
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences
1. B.Sc. Accounting
2. B.Sc. Business Administration
3. B.Sc. Economics
4. B.Sc. Political Science
5. B.Sc. Public Administration
6. B.Sc. Sociology