Procedures On How To Collect Your Statement Of Result Certificates in Nubapoly

How to collect your statement of result certificates in Nubapoly is as simple as A, B, C.... If a student adhered the Collection Process as follows:

 1.  You need to be cleared by all listed in the clearance form. I.e Bursary Department, library, Seat bay e.t.c.

 2. After you have been cleared, proceed to payment clearance by Audit unit were they will sign your clearance form with a green Biro and the amount to pay, as a permission to make payment.

 3.  Proceed to the Bank (Zenith Bank Zaria  PZ Branch) and make payment  by issueing them your clearance form and a bank teller.
 Note: you will not be allowed to make payment without Audit Unit signature.

 4. After payment, you are expected to come to the Bursary unit and obtain a receipt.

 5.  Move to Exam and records for collection by providing the following:
 i. Your last year payment confirmation slip
ii. Your clearance form
iii. Your payment receipt (Certificate payment only).

6.  If your result is ready then you will collect it immediatly if not a specific date will be inform to you.

 7. After you collect your result you will be ask to photocopy it and acknowledge it, by stating the following:
 i.  I (Your name ) have collected my statement of result
ii. State the date you collected
iii. Then sign under.

 8. Then insert the photocopy in your file.
 9. This are the easy steps to follow in getting your statement of results.
tsoffin labarai Sabbin Labarai