What Students Should Expect From NAKASS Newly Elected Director Of Walfare

NAKASS is a mother union of all KADUNA STATE STUDENTS UNIONS across the tertiary institutions of NIGERIA and Even in Diaspora.
We are into students unionism to be the bridge between the students and the government a lot of things are happening where the voice of our students are not reaching or sending in the proper Chanel but our administration will diligently work towards achieving the aims and objectives of NAKASS.

My concern basically is the welfarism of our students we will make sure we provide an avenue where by our students will benefits with the government irrespective of your gender, tribe, or party affiliation without sentiment no religious dichotomy but am calling the attention of KADUNA STATE STUDENTS to continue praying for us to deliver effectively because no one can do everything but everyone can do something.

We always stand to voice out the truth and stand for the voiceless.

Serving humanity is our daily life activities.

Comr Isah babanta
tsoffin labarai Sabbin Labarai